Beginner Green juice
Green juice in general has many healing properties including alkalizing the body’s acidic condition, providing nourishment in the form of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Drinking a fresh juice daily may help in weight loss as it cuts down on cravings.
Green Juice drenches your body in plant nutrients and chlorophyll (aka liquid sunshine.) Chlorophyll strengthens your immune system, helps control inflammation, increases red blood cell production, and helps enhance your cells’ ability to carry oxygen.
1-2 medium sized turmeric roots
1 package of carrots (6-8 medium size carrots)
1 green apple
1 bunch of Coriander
1 orange -peel the orange skin, leave on the white skin – cut to big pieces.
Lime – freshly squeezed juice

Celentrum – a handful
1 green apple
1 lemon – peel the yellow skin and cut to pieces
Kale – Few stems
Celery – I bunch
1-2 large cucumbers
Wash your vegetables, cut into pieces and dry
Place in a juicer – strain and drink.
Green juice and inflammation
helps the body reduce an acidic PH which helps reduce inflammation in the body -a condition known among women with breast implant illness.
Final Note
While juice provides a host of minerals and vitamins it is lacking fibers so I recommend drinking only one large glass daily – and the second portion of vegetables in the form of a large green leafy salad. Green juices tend to be a highly concentrated source of Oxalate, too much of it can cause kidney stones – it’s a good idea to rotate the color of your freshly squeezed juices.