Best Supplements for Breast Implant Illness Healing and Recovery
Supplements and vitamins are by definition substances that complete or enhance our nutrition. It refers to a group of organic compounds which are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body. Some argue that “most people can get all the vitamins they need from a healthy diet”, however in reality many people are deficient in certain vitamins especially when dealing with a health challenge.
BII and deficiencies
Many women who are undergoing breast implant illness, or have recently explanted are suffering from some undetected deficiencies, and or imbalances. It is presumed that this is because implants cause in many cases an autoimmune response. Furthermore, the continual dumping of heavy metal and silicone particles into the bloodstream creates a cumulative toxic load in the body. While toxins come from a variety of sources, if they are not eliminated properly, they will accumulate in the body and eventually reach a threshold where they begin displaying symptoms. In most cases the liver, kidneys and lymphatic and digestive systems are overloaded with toxins which compromise their ability to absorb essential vitamins and minerals
Powerful minerals and vitamins for BII symptoms
Additionally , certain supplements are recommended for the general population to support a healthy immune system, such as Vitamin D3, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin C which are fundamental to our health. I have chosen these 8 supplements because they are most fundamental for many functions of our bodies including repairing deficiencies and increasing the body’s ability to detox and rejuvenate.
- Vitamin C is an essential nutrient involved in the repair of tissue, the formation of collagen, and the enzymatic production of certain neurotransmitters. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that supports the immune system, cardiovascular system and skin health.
Protection against inflammation
Vitamin C in the form of Micro-C, a highly absorbable vitamin c enhanced with rose hips and grape seed extract strengthens the entire immune system, protecting especially against viruses, bacteria, yeast, mold and other pathogens, all of which are compromising the immune system.

Vitamin C protects against colds
It speeds up recovery time from colds and flus.It also helps with adrenal glands health while also supporting the central nervous system, which is important because both your adrenals and nervous system are important as a protection against common cold and viral respiratory infection .
Vitamin C lowers acidity in the body
Taking vitamin C supplements can significantly reduce blood uric acid and lower risk of developing gout and joint pain.
Take up to 2500 mg daily.
2. Zinc
Is a mineral compound commonly used for colds or lung infections. It may help with wound healing, ulcers, acne, and skin infections. Zinc is critical for liver health, autoimmune conditions, acne, adrenal problems, arthritis, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, brain fog, fatigue, mood struggles, gout, heart palpitations, hot flashes, inflammation, migraines, sinus infections, weight issues, vertigo, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, thyroid problems, and viral infections.
Zinc and BII
Women with breast implants usually have higher inflammation in their bodies, and the immune system in this case will use up more zinc supply, therefore women who suffer from BII need to take zinc supplements to lower inflammatory reaction to toxins produced by present pathogens.. Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) is responsible for all of the chemical functions of the liver, protection against viruses, chemicals, bacteria, and fungus.
Zinc Thyroid Health – Many women with BII symptoms also suffer from a thyroid condition zinc is critical for all thyroid conditions because it guards against viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus.
Deficiency symptoms zinc deficiency’s symptoms (notice how similar it is to BII symptoms) can fluctuate with its severity over time, including fatigue, rashes, dizziness, eye floaters, heart palpitations, migraines, dry skin, brittle hair, tinnitus, sleep issues, and thyroid problems- as you can see most women with breast implant illness complain about similar symptoms.
Liquid zinc sulfate is the best recommended form of zinc supplement. It helps to boost the immune system, supports the adrenal glands and thyroid.
Take a daily dosage of 40-50 mg per day.
A mineral Involved in hundreds of biochemical reactions in your body. Magnesium is found throughout your body. In fact, every cell in your body contains this mineral and needs it to function. About 60% of the magnesium in your body occurs in bone while the rest is in muscles, soft tissues, and

fluids, including blood. One of its main roles is to act as a helper in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes. It’s involved in more than 600 reactions in your body, including.
- Energy creation: converting food into energy and protein formation
- Helping create and repair DNA and RNA
- Aiding in muscle contraction and relaxation.
- Regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system, also, may help reduce symptoms of depression
- Magnesium helps in regulating heart beat, and heart health.
- Sufficient magnesium helps with headaches, better sleep, and anxiety.
250 mg of magnesium per day significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety
4. Quercetin
Quercetin is a naturally occurring flavonoid found in various plants and apple peels, and it’s how it interacts with Zinc that is the real value.
Quercetin helps Zinc enter the cell
Quercetin’s most important role is to help zinc’s absorption, once in the cell it prevents the replication of viruses.
Quercetin is anti inflammatory
Quercetin has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that might help reduce swelling, kill cancer cells, control blood sugar, and help prevent heart disease.
Quercetin is contained in abundance in apples, honey, raspberries, onions, red grapes, cherries, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables]. Among vegetables and fruits, quercetin content is highest in onions.
Common oral dosages are 500 milligrams twice a day

5. Vitamin D3
Vitamin D2 and D3 are both widely used but are not the same. Vitamin D2 comes from plant-based sources while vitamin D3 comes from animal-based sources. Both supplements are processed by the liver to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, though vitamin D3 is thought to provide higher levels of 25D. Vitamin D3 supplements may be superior in raising the body’s vitamin D stores, therefore it is most commonly used as a dietary supplement of vitamin D. It aids the absorption of calcium and may be helpful in the prevention of thinning of the bones.
Vitamin D deficiency and BII autoimmune response
Some BII patients develop late-onset systemic symptoms often associated with a rare form of hyperactive immune response, as part of a syndrome known as autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA)), and silicone breast implants.
Vitamin D prevents against infections and Fibromyalgia
Over the last decades, it has been shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk for infectious diseases. Moreover, a number of autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis, are reported to be associated with vitamin D deficiency
Few studies show that immune deficiency may occur in patients at an increased frequency, Interestingly, several autoantibodies have been reported to occur in silicone breast implant patients, Also, there is an inverse correlation between vitamin D levels and the presence of autoantibodies in connective tissue diseases such as fibromyalgia.
Take daily 5000-10000 IU
6. Vitamin B12
B-12 is essential for the production of energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It’s also essential for a healthy nervous system, metabolic function, and red blood cell production, DNA synthesis and many other vital processes. Without vitamin B12, we can’t survive.
B12 protects against viruses
is in charge of many vital processes in our body including the building of your immune system, it also protects your entire body from neurotoxin damage from viruses and pathogens.
B12 supports the nervous system
gives special support and repair to the central nervous and endocrine systems and helps strengthen neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain so it can stay strong against pathogens. Pathogens are behind countless symptoms such as the ones in breast

implant illness including : depression, allergies, skin rashes, anxiety, tinnitus, thyroid problems, neurological symptoms, aches and pains, rheumatoid arthritis, brain fog, or any other symptom or condition, the right kind of B12 is important.
B12 reduces inflammation
B12 helps reduce inflammation by lowering homocysteine levels.
Make sure you take a high quality B12 with methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.
Take daily 1 drop full of B12 (1ml) and hold under the tongue for 20 seconds
7. Spirulina
Spirulina is a blue-green algae, single-celled microbe found in fresh and saltwater bodies. These microbes make energy from the sun to create food from water and carbon dioxide. Spirulina powder contains an array of powerful nutrients and will provide amazing support for anyone dealing with fatigue, a viral load, or heavy metals. For women with BII symptoms who are concerned with deficiencies, making a daily smoothie with spirulina and dulse can be helpful.
Spirulina is a great source of amino acid and Omega 6
One tablespoon of spirulina dietary supplement contains four grams of highest quality protein which include all the essential amino acids. spirulina is also one of the only natural sources of GLA, or gamma-linolenic acid, which is the omega 6 fatty acid. The chlorophyll in spirulina removes heavy metals from the blood. This substantial detox property actually reverses the effects of chronic arsenic poisoning.

Spirulina and arsenic poisoning
Some research shows the efficacy of spirulina extract plus zinc in patients with chronic arsenic poisoning, usually through contaminated water. Breast implants are also a source of contamination of heavy metals. Some researchers suggest the use of spirulina extract (250 mg) plus zinc (2 mg) twice daily for 16 weeks. Effectiveness of spirulina extract plus zinc can be evaluated by comparing changes in skin manifestations, arsenic contents in urine and hair.
The spirulina can do wonders for the hair by promoting its growth, reducing hair loss and treating dandruff which are typically BII symptoms..
Spirulina and the brain
Spirulina contains GLA which is needed for the body to have a healthy metabolism, good brain power,strong bones, and is vital for reproductive health. It also treats diabetic neuropathy.
Spirulina is a potent anti-inflammatory as it contains a high concentration of the antioxidant phycocyanin. This makes it an ideal product for those with chronic inflammation.
Dosage: Taking daily 2–8 g/ day may improve lipid profiles, particularly by reducing LDL-c and improving HDL-c and also helping with weight loss and hair growth.
8. Dulse- Seaweed family
Dulse, scientifically, is an alga containing a rich mixture of minerals. This nutrient-rich form of alga has been an important food source for more than a thousand years in various parts of the world. The important health benefits of dulse may include its ability to build bone health, optimize the digestive system, increase growth and repair, lower blood pressure, improve vision, and protect the immune system. Dulse also helps to improve the thyroid gland and strengthen the nervous system
Dulse reduces swelling
Dulse contains the minerals iodine and potassium. It also contains protein, fiber, and other chemicals. Some of these chemicals can reduce inflammation and swelling.
Dulse and joint protection
There are a wealth of minerals found in dulse, which may include calcium, magnesium, and iron, all of which contribute to bone mineral density. These minerals can also help protect joints and tissues against osteoporosis
May Help Lower Blood Pressure
Potassium may be another of the essential minerals found in high supply within dulse. Potassium is well-known as a vasodilator, meaning that it can help reduce the strain and damage to blood vessels and arteries caused by high blood pressure.

Helping to lower blood pressure also protects against atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks. Potassium can also help increase blood flow to the brain and capillaries, making dulse a bit of a “brain” food as well!
Dulse and Eyesight
The possibly high levels of vitamin A found in dulse make it an ideal solution for vision problems. Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and prevents free radicals from damaging the tissues of the eye and causing macular degeneration. It can also slow down the development of cataracts, acting as an all-around vision booster.
Dulse is rich in vitamin C, thus perhaps helping the body increase its white blood cell count and contributing to growth and repair through its important role in collagen production. Keeping the immune system in working order is crucial for overall health, and vitamin C is one of the easiest and most readily accessible ways to do that.
May Help Prevent Thyroid Disorders
Although many people forget that iodine can be a key part of dietary health, when your thyroid gland begins to act up, a lack of iodine is the usual explanation. Dulse’s possibly high iodine content can keep your thy. thyroid gland behaving normally, helping to regulate many different hormonal interactions within the body. Thyroid disorders can be disastrous to the quality of life, so proper iodine intake is more important than you think!
Dulase and Digestion
Similar to seaweed, dulse is very high in dietary fiber, meaning that adding it to one’s diet may help regulate digestive processes, particularly for people suffering from constipation or diarrhea. The dietary fiber bulks up the stool and stimulates peristaltic motion, while also reducing inflammation and symptoms like bloating and cramping.
Heavy metal toxins and Dulse
Studies have linked high levels of omega-3 fatty acids (found in good concentrations in dulse) with improved brain activity and nervous system function. Women with bii are exposed to multiple sources of toxic chemicals and heavy metals. In Fact similar symptoms of heavy metals poisoning can be found on the list of breast implant illnesses. Mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium are some of the more common overexposed metals.
Most women with breast implant illness include a list of symptoms which are almost identical to the list of symptoms associated with metal poisoning. This may include :headaches, fatigue, difficulties breathing, burning and tingling sensations,brain fog, visual disturbances, insomnia, and eye floaters
Take daily up to 1 tablespoon Dulse flakes: 600 mcg per tbsp (That’s all the iodine you need for five days in one tablespoon.
In conclusion
It appears that very common symptoms related to deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are also on the list of Breast Implant illness symptoms. It appears that healing from such conditions is not automatically granted after the removal of the breast implants, in fact many women are continuing to struggle with some or most of them. It is our duty to do the “work” by expanding our horizons to open and learn more by reading, searching and sharing our clinical experiences. Finally, I recommend that you experiment with the information you have, do not be afraid- I mentioned earlier that re-discovering your health is a detective work in process.
The entire idea of sharing good information is to help ourselves but also other women with similar conditions to heal. Just remember that despite the importance of Supplements, it can’t take the place of good nutrition rich in natural fibers, minerals and vitamins, and should be integrated with your healthy diet.