ole of Social media & words of caution
Breast implant illness (BII) is a controversial topic and until recently it was declared as psychosomatic illness. A combination of women’s activists, doctors and patients are increasingly fueling information on social media platforms, (Facebook, Instagram) helping women with breast implants across the world communicate and exchange information related to BII symptoms. Crowdsourcing is becoming a powerful tool for women to self diagnose themselves, and independently plan and manage thier breast implant removal. These women are listing almost identical symptoms making it hard to believe that this is merely a coincidence. Spreading misinformation is the downside of Facebook groups, unfortuntly misinformation spreads as fast as good one.The lack of conclusive evidence and ability to diagnose breast implant illness is making it challenging for both women and their medical practitioners. Nonetheless, Patients and doctors are agreeing that the first step to healing is explanting breast implants and the tissues surrounding it. This next paragraph attempts to clarify and explain the explant procedure by Dr. Randall Feingold, MD who has more than 20 years experience with enbloc, total capsulotomies for ruptured implants, capsular contracture, textured implants and symptoms of breast implant related illnesses. He is a renowned expert in breast reconstruction and microsurgery and one of the early leaders in offering and refining natural tissue techniques.