Are all breast lift (mastopexy) techniques equal?

Bentonite Clay for Detox

Is your doctor checking your Capsule for Pathologic Abnormalities

Are you “done” with injectables?

Mammogram, Ultrasound and MRI accuracy in detecting ruptured implants

Should you have Fat Transfer during your explant surgery or after?

Become Supernatural with Meditation and Mind-Body Connection

New year Strawberry Sauce Recipe

Benefits and safety of Hydrocolonic therapy

Unlocking the Secrets of Cellular Hydration and an Optimal Lymphatic drainage
Gut Healing Berries Kudzu Jelly
Post Explant surgery- Radiology follow-up recommendations
5 Anti-inflammatory vegan salad dressing
Quick and Easy Ways to Detoxify from Anesthesia After Surgery
Methylene Blue and Brain Fog: My Daily Brain Booster
Celery is known to clean the liver and kidneys and is helpful in weight loss. Sunflower sprouts contain a balanced supply of essential amino acids and are rich in vitamins A, D, E and the B complex, including folate.
Enbloc explant Surgery Explained
Five Critical Things You Need To After Explant Surgery So You Can Get Your Life Black

“Rehabilitating Chest Muscles during en bloc explant surgery: Restoration and strength Insights.”

Healing from Within: The Power of Neuroplasticity in Recovering from Breast Implant Illness