The OptimalBody Nutrition Plan
The concept of Vegan nutrition, Juicing and optimal supplements is an evolution of my own journey. I have been a certified wellness and integrative nutrition coach for over 20 years starting my journey in Hong Kong and Japan where I studied the principles of Healing with organic Whole Foods. My first teacher was Mitsui Kushi, training me to become a Macrobiotic counselor -The Macrobiotic diet was revolutionary in its approach to healing cancer and autoimmune disease in the early 80’s and 90’s . I then moved to study the Vegan diet in particular Dr. Ann Wigmor Raw food diet at Hippocrates Health Institute, which changed my life. I live my life by the same principles which I share with you. I believe in the power of holistic wellness, Intermittent Fasting, and Juicing without having to be 100% vegan.
I believe that Gut health holds the key to how we look and feel. By removing certain foods and lectins the body’s immune system becomes stronger and you can overcome allergies, Weight gain, and all kinds of diseases. I have created an easy step-by-step method that can improve your health within a few weeks only.
My struggle with emotional eating at an early age and as the former Miss Israel has shaped my future. My journey to Overcoming these issues gave birth to the Optimalbody method, a complete protocol outlining what it takes to reach balance and happiness. . I am here to share with you and to tell you that you are not alone!
The Alkaline Diet eBook
If you are just recovering from surgery or simply looking to get healthier with this alkaline diet you will start feeling better within days. The key healing factor is to keep our diet Alkaline while minimizing the acidic diet – but first let have a quick lesson about the magical PH chemistry that holds the key to our health. Acidic and Alkaline ph — is a term used now quite often to explain the relationship between the food that we eat and the chemistry it creates in our body.

Plant-Based Nutrition
is highly alkaline and therefore will counterbalance an overly acidic condition of the body – Alkaline juicing helps reduce inflammation and risk for cancer caused by an acidic diet. The ample concentrated vitamins and antioxidants in this Green Drink help detox the body from acidic toxins while building up the blood and internal organs. As a result, the skin becomes beautiful and glowing.
Eating a healthy diet and having an exercise routine is only halfway down the road- on your way to happiness. We do what we do to feel better and look great, however, the mind and body are interconnected therefore one cant survive without the other.
OptimalBody plant-based diet is based on an alkaline food that has mostly raw, unprocessed, and reached with antioxidant phytochemicals for a stronger, healthier immune system.
Discover Your Health
Five Critical Things You Need to Know After Explant Surgery So You Can Get Your Life Back
(Plus the Detox Diet and Step-By-Step Menu to Help the Process!)
Detoxification, which is more popularly referred to as “Detox” or “Detoxing” is the Physiological removal of toxic Substances from the body. This Amazing process is a part of the body’s natural healing cycle and is primarily carried out by the lymphatic system, liver, kidney, lungs, bloodstream, colon and skin as the body rids itself of metabolic by product each day.
The body is equipped with such incredible abilities to heal and rejuvenate itself -its just simply need our assistance to make that all possible

New year Strawberry Sauce Recipe
This Mix strawberries sauce has only 4 ingredients. It is not only tasty but it is also a healing desert that will not raise your blood sugar levels. By adding a special ingredient by the name of Kudzu (white root similar to arrowroot), the sauce becomes thicker with a full velvet texture that melts in the mouth like whipped cream. No dairy or sugar are used in this preparation.
What is so nice about the kudzu is that it immediately affects your stomach, soothing and relaxing it while keeping your sugar levels from spiking up.
The Kudzu is an ancient Asian starch root that is used in the traditional Japanese and Chinese cuisine to thicken a dish, but also as a medicinal remedy for various conditions.