Omega 3 Flaxseed mixture for Breast implant illness symptoms
The development of Dr. Budwig protocol -The cure for cancer and other conditions
In this nutritional protocol, natural plant based foods and energy-dense foods play together the leading role. Essential fatty acids, in particular omega-3 fatty acid and alpha-linolenic acid (from Flaxseed), and sulfur-containing amino acids (obtained from cottage cheese), such as methionine and cysteine, are paramount for a healthy lifestyle.
I have been using this mixture for a few years with great health results, and now that I am faced with the challenge of Breast Implant Illness, I am back to incorporating it into my daily lifestyle.
Flaxseed oil, a vegetable oil contains nearly 60 % omega-3 fatty acids, and quark or cottage cheese 5% contains sulfur amino acids, Dr. Johanna Budwig found the perfect pairing to form the foundation of her anti cancer healing protocol diet. The bond generated between these two components allows them to form lipo-proteins, which increases their shared solubility and ability to transport long-chain fatty acids. and amino acids in a homogeneous mixture (flaxseed and cottage mixture) to ensure the timely supply of valuable nutrients into the body.
Flaxseed cottage cheese mixture benefits:
- For Younger looking skin
- For Vitality and energy- helps fight fatigue
- Improved eyesight within days
- For better elimination
- For beautiful shiny hair
- Lower blood sugar levels and reduce cravings
- For calming effect on the nervous system, and Better sleep .
- To protect and heal Cancer
But before listing all the great benefits of this special mixture let’s dive into Dr. Budwig’s scientific research which led for her Nobel Prize nomination in 1973, I hope that the information in this article will convince you to consume daily this mixture as it protects against cancer and inflammatory diseases,
Discovering healing and the Omega 3 and Oxygen connection
Dr. Joanna Budwig (1908-2003) is one of the pioneers in the research and understanding of fatty acids, back in the 1950’s she was able to differentiate between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids way before her scientists peers.
Dr. Johanna Budwig discovered that flax seed is a significant source of highly unsaturated fatty acids. Her primary interest was in the regulation of cellular oxygen uptake, along with any factors which might interfere with the process. She proved that the essential polyunsaturated fatty acids linoleic and α-linolenic acid are vital for cellular oxygen uptake.
Flaxseed increases the oxygen density in the cells
The significance of these polyunsaturated fatty acids is their enormous electron potential. The energy contained in this special molecular structure make them an optimal partner for binding with sulfur-containing amino acids which are present in the cottage cheese. Together they form a preventive as well as healing ecosystem against cancer and other diseases by increasing the oxygen density in the cells.
The absence of these highly unsaturated fatty acids in our diet causes many vital functions to weaken, and ultimately will change the cell environment to more acidic now that it has no means by which it can draw the oxygen in. When the cellular environment is more acidic it loses its ability to bind with oxygen which is essentially the life force we need for an optimal health.
The cottage Flaxseed Healing benefits and why not Salmon fish
A dietary imbalance between Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can lead to an increase of inflammation in the body. The relationship between good fats and bad fat such as trans fat is the main reason for diseases while the consumption of essential fatty acids is central for our health.
The STANDARD AMERICAN DIET (SAD) is rich in saturated fats like meat, chicken and dairy as well as trans fats such as baked goods or any heated oils. In addition most women are not consuming enough Omega 3 in their diet. The seafood industry praises salmon for its health benefits: high in protein, loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, rich with vitamin D. But the truth is more complicated. With more calories, twice the fat content, and over 20% more saturated fat, farm-raised salmon is far less healthy than its wild-caught counterpart.
The problem with Salmon fish
The US banned PCBs in 1979, (toxic industrial products and chemicals ) but remnants still exist in aquatic food chains. fish are a “major dietary source of PCBs.” farm-raised salmon in particular are likely the most PCB-contaminated protein source in the U.S. food supply, due to the fishmeal they eat which often contain PCBs. Farm-raised salmon also contain other dangerous metals. For example, significantly higher levels of organic arsenic in farmed salmon than in their wild relatives although wild salmon still contain in its tissues 9 toxic metals including cobalt, copper, cadmium. This is why I recommend using a clean plant based source of Omega 3 while reframing from eating fish, which is contaminated with toxins and heavy metals.
The problem with Trans fats
Following the discovery and usage of trans fats in the modern food-diet such as margarine, refined oils, and all the other high-heated fats (these process stripes off their electric charges) Dr. Johanna Budwig saw a clear relationship between impaired oxygen uptake and the synthesis and/or structure of cell membranes. These membranes lacked polyunsaturated fatty acids- the regulating, energy-rich, and, thus, life-giving and driving force behind the normal cellular function.
The importance of Omega 3 in our diet
But omega-3 fatty acids are not only necessary for good oxygenation of the cell. Other functions such as metabolic processes, a strong immune system, and mental balance are also facilitated via communication between the cell membrane and the cell interior. The fluidity and flexibility of the cell membrane affects its functions.
Omega-3 fatty acids contributes to the proper fluidity of the membrane and, thus, have a direct influence on its function. There is a direct relationship between impaired oxygen uptake and the structure of the membranes. These damaged membranes lacked polyunsaturated fatty acids- the regulating force behind every normal cellular function.
Ingredients of the Omega 3 /Cottage mixture
Cottage cheese at least 5% or Quark
Flaxseed oil refrigerated
small blender
Fruits (optional)
Honey (optional)
The basis of the Budwig healing mixture is flaxseed oil and either cottage cheese or quark cheese. To prepare the Mixture combine the following ingredients and mix them well until the oil is no longer visible:
- 1.5 ounces (oz) of flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon is 0.5 ounce)
- 4 oz of 3-5% cottage cheese or low-fat quark
- Here is an example of a daily mixture – 3 tablespoons flaxseed oil with 6-7 tablespoon cottage cheese.
Once blended thoroughly – you can add honey or fruits such as blueberries. You should aim to eat 1.5 oz of flaxseed oil and 4 oz of cottage cheese or quark per day always as a mixture.
If you are not used to eating dairy product, start with half the recommended amount, and build it up gradually.
Storage of flaxseed oil
Flaxseed should be refrigerated always because it tends to get rancid within a few minutes if left in a room temperature environment. Also it should be kept in a dark bottle preferably black with a tight lid on it. When preparing the mixture make sure you consume it within the next few minutes.
Final Note
The cottage cheese Flaxseed mixture is a healing remedy which proved all the necessary supply of Omega 3 from a clean food supply source which will be delivered and assimilated to your cells effectively. Your eyes and all the small glands are getting their nutrition through the small capillaries and the only fat structure that is small enough to move through them is Omega 3. Once Omega 3 binds with the Oxygen, you will be getting the life force into these tiny glands and into the small vessels that supply nutrition and oxygen to your eyes.
I came across Dr. Budwig Healing protocol while I was researching Omega 3 therapeutic properties. I have used the Budwig mix with cottage cheese for over a few years for anti-aging purposes, despite the fact that dairy products are not part of my daily diet. In addition when I had my breast implants removed I suffered a decrease in my eye sight which started 3 years ago with a constellation of about 30 other symptoms, part of a condition related to my Silicone implants “BREAST IMPLANT ILLNESS ” . Since my explant surgery, 8 months ago I am back to using healing protocols in order to gain my health back. I am now back to using the cottage flaxseed oil mixture daily because of its incredible healing properties for my skin, eyesight and overall sense of well being.